The Acmos Lecher antenna measures all vibratory or energy emissions whether human, animal, vegetal mineral or environmental.

    It can determine the origin of an environmental aggression or a health energy disorder by identifying the type of aggression and locating the exact source of the perturbation.

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  • The Biofeedback Energy Tester “ACMOS7” 

    The “ Acmos7 ”, integrates the latest discoveries in electronics and micro-processors. To give the most accurate readings of the body energy flow. The digital monitor indicates the the degree of blockage in an energy circuit at the outset of the energy balancing session. This reveal the existence of a deep disorder or an unsuspected weakness. The requirement of an Acmos harmony regulator to compensate in cases where a balance disturbing remedy has to be applied for symptomatic reasons.

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  • THE ACMODERMIL II "Detector-Stimulator"

    The Acmodermil II  is the new acupunctural points detector / stimulator that utilizes high-tech circuitry to stimulate energy along meridian lines. The stimulation provides an extremely high vibratory quality, free of any negative wave forms which can otherwise distort the tonification and sedation operations. Above all, it allows practitioners a precise and efficient way to stimulate points and meridians without having to use needles.

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  • Quantacmos III Light Stimulator

    The Acmodermil II is the new version of the ACMOS bioenergy point detector & stimulator. It utilizes high-tech circuitry to stimulate energy along entire meridian lines. The stimulation provides an extremely high vibratory quality, free of any negative waveforms which can otherwise distort the tonification and sedation operations. Above all, it allows practitioners a precise and efficient way to stimulate points and meridians without having to turn to needles.

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  • Acmos Valise (VATHA)

    The ACMOS Valise is the complete test kit used for ACMOS energy balancing. It contains over 100 products which provide a wide range of energetic signatures, each corresponding to various systems throughout the body. These products can be used and reused for many years, to harmonize the patient’s body and neutralize the harmful effects of medications, stresses, or environmental disturbances.

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While waiting for the book on the ACMOS Method, which should be available this summer, you can enjoy the new book by Carol ROBERTSON, an ACMOS Bioenergetician and certified trainer for many years.

Frontiers in Energy Medicine Vol.1: Unlock the Enigma of Energy Healing

Frontiers in Energy Medicine Vol.1: Unlock the Enigma of Energy Healing

What is energy healing? And what is the role of basic physics in the mind, body, spirit connection?

For thousands of years, practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and other ancient practises, have used the body’s own energy to promote healing. These ancient systems use different words - ‘Qi’, 'Prana' or 'Reiki' - however they are all talking about the vital life force, the energy which illuminates our cells, and which can be optimised to promote healing.

Frontiers in Energy Medicine takes us back in time, to the breakthroughs in science which enabled communication across distance, and demonstrates how these principles still apply to the alignment of mind, body and spirit. It provides the vocabulary to allow energy in health to be discussed in an objective way, observing health as the ability to manage the body efficiently, and to enhance wellbeing in the face of life's challenges.

This book makes energetic health accessible to everyone. It introduces the reader to the historical and practical significance of the Lecher Antenna, and explains how this simple and effective tool unlocks the mysteries of our connection with the natural forces of vitality - literally placing our health in our hands.

Carol Robertson is a health professional with solid grounding in structural and functional anatomy, and a highly respected international teacher of the ACMOS Method. Using a very down to earth approach she allows everyone, from beginner to advanced practitioner, to leave with new skills, and a different view of the energetics which underpin life here on Earth.

This book is designed to be kept and to used as a reference guide.


A tool at your disposal to find the nearest ACMOS Bio-energetician and Seminars Centers!

The ACMOS certified bioenergeticians interactive map is finally available. It allows you to quickly identify the closest ACMOS bioenergetician specialist in order to contact him to make an appointment for your next ACMOS Energy Balance session.

ACMOS "certified" and "professional" Bio-energeticians and official ACMOS seminars Centers :

You can enlarge the map by clicking on the icon at the top right and switch to list mode by clicking on the icon at the top left.


ACMOS energy balance

THE AIM OF THE ACMOS METHOD IS TO OPTIMIZE YOUR NATURAL CAPACITIES OF SELF-MANAGEMENT using the wisdom of traditional medicine augmented by the use of measuring instruments developed by Rene Naccachian and his team of French instrumentation engineers.

Would you like to understand the interaction of the signals within and around you which may be influencing your health?

ACMOS energy balancing is very specific system for communicating with the hidden or deep information stored in your body. Each cell, organ and system can store information relating to traumatic events in your past which may be at the root of your current symptoms. Using the ACMOS method we enable you to work with these deep imbalances and you may be surprised with the insights the system reveals. Often a theme will emerge during your balance and seemingly unrelated issues can be linked to your loss of get up and go.

Infos 3

Acmos on Youtube


About Acmos and training

The ACMOS Method, developed by Rene Naccachian PhD, reveals hidden information held in the body. It uses the principle of resonance to find specific solutions which allow energy blocks to be cleared by applying a truly personalised programme of natural remedies and acupoint stimulation. 

ACMOS respects the wisdom of the energy body to find the hidden causes of malaise - steeped in inherited patterns and emotional experiences - and to find solutions which resonate with health.

More information about training :

  • Carol is an experienced clinician who has been teaching with Dr Naccachian for the past 7 years.
  • Widad has been working with Dr Naccachian and teaching the Acmos Method for over 20 years.

Who follows the ACMOS training course?

The training courses are for all : professionals involved with health, fitness, diet, and related matters but also those who are searching to better understand and learn about the circulation of their vital/chi energy or that of those close to them.

Note : it is not necessary to possess particular medical knowledge to attend the ACMOS Courses and training.


While waiting for the book on the ACMOS Method, which should be available this summer, you can enjoy the new book by Carol ROBERTSON, an ACMOS Bioenergetician and certified trainer for many years. Read more



Consulter l'historique

SBJ International is a Scientific & Research Center working on Bioenergetics, Created by René Naccachian since 1985, former creator of the Acmos Method of Global Energy Balance.

SBJ INTERNATIONAL is developing its activities in the the following areas :

  • Research and Development of the ACMOS Method
  • Consultations and Acmos Energy balance
  • Seminars in Bioenergetic and Naturopathy ACMOS
  • Establishment of ACMOS Centres in several locations all around the world
  • Development and diffusion of new products and ACMOS instruments
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